My multi-magnetic funnel works beautifully for all my clients. I can turn the most unsuccessful businesses into successful ones through this unique funnelling model!
This is one of them. It’s an Australian Fashion Boutique brand. Before giving me this project, they faced lots of problems. Because they need to scale correctly for their business.
But when I took over, I made $25,600 with $1658 spent in just one month
I am not doing any extraordinary things. I find mistakes in what they did before hiring me. And hit it with my unique multi-magnetic funnel. And you see the results.
Now let’s know the mistake that I found:
Wrong Targeting
Not using Custom or Lookalike Audience
Ad Copy & Creative was not attractive
No Video Creative
The Facebook page was not optimized properly
Unnecessary Campaigns
After finding the problem, I sat in my chair and did my funneling. So, now let’s know what I do:
Optimized Facebook Page
Doing all the necessary campaign
Wrote Conversational Ad Copy
Made an attractive image for the Ad
Created a 10-second actionable Video
Used a Lookalike audience
Optimized Budget
Made Various Ad set
Audience Optimization
So, in this project, I made three ad sets. In every ad set, I used Broad Interest & Tangent Keywords. This client already has an audience. And I used this audience in my advertising.
I created a lookalike audience from his past 90 days, with a 1% – 3% audience.
Here I also used a 10-second video with three different images.
For this client, I used an ABO. Because at first, I was doing A/B testing. And ABO gave me a good result.
The one thing is his pixel was already set up. That’s why Pixel data helped me a lot.
Total Amount Spent- $1658.49
Total Purchase – 269
Total ROAS – 15.44
Total Amount of Sales- $25,600k
Cost Per Purchase – $6.17
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